Monday, August 22, 2011

World's Youngest IT Whiz

Marko Calasan of Skopje, Macedonia, is the world's youngest certified computer system administrator at the age of eight. He could get a high-paying job, but he hasn't yet completed third grade! Marko learned to read and write at the age of 2 and started working on computers immediately. The news of his extraordinary achievement turned him into a local celebrity and he has even had an audience with the Macedonian Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, who presented him with an IT lab with 15 computers to practice on.

His parents, who are IT experts and run a computer school for children, are considering sending Marko abroad to a specialized institute of learning for gifted children, as none exists in Macedonia. Marko passed Microsoft's tests for IT professionals. He says he wants to create a new operational system for computers …when he grows up. (Link | Via)

A helmet that sends SOS on accident!

The brainchild of an India-born chef for top cyclists, a new 'life saver' bike helmet that connects with your phone and alerts em...