Toothpaste is one item that nearly everyone uses today, but what makes this concoction so special? Whether you brush your teeth once per day or three times per day, chances are that you've never taken the time to read that ingredient list. Some believe that the ingredients contained in a standard package of toothpaste are essential - others believe that water may be just as effective. In the end, there's a good reason why most toothpaste packages warn: "Do Not Ingest!"
Glycerin Glycol, Never heard of this ingredient before? Sure about that? Glycerin glycol is added to toothpaste in order to prevent the paste from becoming too dry – it's also found in antifreeze. Even though glycerin is not toxic, this additive may cause nausea if swallowed.
Glycerin Glycol, Never heard of this ingredient before? Sure about that? Glycerin glycol is added to toothpaste in order to prevent the paste from becoming too dry – it's also found in antifreeze. Even though glycerin is not toxic, this additive may cause nausea if swallowed.