Thursday, June 30, 2011

Swarovski Computer – Most Expensive Laptop

Actually, most expensive laptop ever must be not only Swarovski-studded, but also made of gold, encrusted here and there with expensive diamonds, with the display all made of sapphire crystal, just like we’ve been accustomed by the luxury cell phone manufacturers.Talking about expensive laptop, here you have a relevant example that might horrify you, so you’d better be careful! Looking at the picture, I surely understand why people are sick and tired of so many gadgets that are aimed at the fairer sex and I couldn’t blame anyone for having such an opinion, which, as a matter of fact, I am sharing with them.

Ok, people are different, which means they like all sorts of things, but this isn’t a justification for the bad taste. And they usually need something luxurious to make them feel different, to make them feel like leaving their mark on the things they use on a regular basis. The Ergo FashionNote mini-notebook is a laptop adorned with approximately 1,444 Swarovski crystals.

A helmet that sends SOS on accident!

The brainchild of an India-born chef for top cyclists, a new 'life saver' bike helmet that connects with your phone and alerts em...