Sunday, April 3, 2011

World's Fattest Toddler (140 lbs)

This 3-year-old Chinese boy tips the scales at a massive ten stone - five times the average weight of the three-year-olds in his class. Such is the concern over his size that Xiao Hao was banned from several pre-schools because staff believed his size posed a risk to classmates.

Medical staff believes he may have ballooned to the weight of a small adult as the result of a growth hormone disorder. Others say he is a victim of China's 'Little Emperor' syndrome where the families are allowed only one child - who is then spoiled rotten by doting relatives.

He has now found a nursery in Guangzhou, southern China, which is happy to accommodate him but his mother Xiao Lin has asked doctors to help him lose weight. (Link)

A helmet that sends SOS on accident!

The brainchild of an India-born chef for top cyclists, a new 'life saver' bike helmet that connects with your phone and alerts em...