Saturday, April 2, 2011

The politician who raffled off breast implants to raise campaign funds

Gustavo Rojas, a candidate for Venezuela's National Assembly, is short of cash for his election campaign. So he plans to raffle off a set of breast implants to raise money. Cosmetic surgery, especially breast enlargement, is widespread in image-conscious Venezuela, whose beauty queens have won numerous international pageant titles.

Even a recession has not diminished Venezuelans' appetite for cosmetic surgery with many people taking out loans for the surgery. Mr Rojas, of the opposition First Justice party, said that he was not too worried about the medical details of his offer. “The raffle is a financing mechanism, nothing else,” he told the newspaper. “It's the doctor who will do the operation, not me.”  (Link | Via)

A helmet that sends SOS on accident!

The brainchild of an India-born chef for top cyclists, a new 'life saver' bike helmet that connects with your phone and alerts em...