Saturday, July 9, 2011

Iron Samurai Watch

The Iron Samurai watch, a spectacularly ugly bracelet-style watch made from “Samurai sword carbonized steel folded 1000x over,” is available from Chinavision for a questionable $15. The watch hides red LEDs inside the pattern of the bracelet, which is kind of cool in theory but dorktacular in practice. It also comes with one of the weirdest/funniest product descriptions I've ever seen:

The Iron Samurai has been known to increase its wearers' strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma by as much as 20 points each! Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal are said to be Iron Samurai owners, as is David Bowie and Brian Eno. In reality, this watch is perfect for Presidential dinner crashers, Facebook celebs with over 1000 fans, Youtube directors with over 2,000,000 views, anyone who can play the entirety of Neil Zaza's I'm Alright on electric guitar, iPhone 3Gs owners, or anybody who is a somebody.(Link | Via)

A helmet that sends SOS on accident!

The brainchild of an India-born chef for top cyclists, a new 'life saver' bike helmet that connects with your phone and alerts em...