Showing posts with label Wooden PC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wooden PC. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Luxury Car Made From the Wood

Many cars are made of metal, plates, iron, or carbon fiber super. But there are some people that makes it different from the others. Functions like an ordinary car, but all bodies are made of wood…Vasily Lazarenko wanted to make something other than when you first think of parts and car parts business seems to work.In the town where he lived in Chernovtsny, Ukraine, Vasily takes one and a half years to bring together a unique vehicle, convertable, luxury sedans, and wrapped it all with oak wood (oak). He said he would sell the car if the buyer can bid for your next project cost of the other creative. How good?  Source

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Amazing Russian Wooden Gadgets

These days when people going to be more green such devices gain popularity. Russian author of wooden mice writes: “Wood, as the cover material for everyday appliances is almost not used nowadays. Plastics are cheaper, easier to produce, faster – they suit well for mass production. Real wood is still can be found from exclusive furniture producers (regular furniture is made from plywood or laminated sheets). Saw wood industry is also mainly oriented for the construction works, thus the wooden material is available on market is of worse quality. Technologies of producing beautiful things from wood suffered greatly. They are almost, not almost, just forgotten. Just some time ago people could make from wood the things that look like a miracle for a modern person. For example those Russian wooden clocks of the 19th century.

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