Sunday, September 22, 2024

The unique company in Japan where several cats work in the highest positions


While it’s not surprising to have a cat in an office, making them company employees is definitely surprising. Yes, in Japan, a company has hired several cats. Ten cats work for this company, most of which are full-time employees. The office has been designed to make it comfortable for the cats.

There are also 21 humans employed there who enjoy working alongside the cats. When the company moved to a four-story office in 2020, they didn’t forget about their important feline employees.

The second and third floors were renovated so the cats could live there easily. Twelve toilets and other amenities were installed for the cats, and the walls were painted with materials that wouldn’t be damaged by their claws. The cats have various positions like Chief Clerk, Auditor, and Chair Cat. A cat named Fetoba, who is 20 years old, holds the highest position, and even the humans work under her. Eight cats are always present in the office, while the other two live at an employee’s home. The staff admits that the cats sometimes interrupt their work, but they welcome it because it gives them a chance to take breaks.

They also mentioned that the cats help improve relationships among people, and in return, they take care of the cats' cleanliness and food.

World's second largest diamond found in Botswana

 A 1,094-carat diamond was discovered in a mine named Karowe in northeastern Botswana. This diamond is almost as large as the third-largest diamond in the world, which weighs 1,098 carats.

Previously, a 2,492-carat diamond was found in Botswana in August 2024, which was labeled the second-largest diamond in the world. The largest diamond, known as the Cullinan Diamond, was discovered in South Africa in 1905 and weighs 3,016 carats. The Cullinan Diamond is now owned by the British royal family.

Botswana is famous for its large diamonds, and the mine is owned by a company called Lucara Diamond Corporation. The company's CEO, William Lamb, mentioned that the discovery of this new diamond proves the mining process is effective.

The value of the newly discovered diamond has not yet been disclosed, but last year, a slightly smaller diamond found by the same company sold for $13 million after being polished.

The missing cat returned home after traveling over 900 miles.

A two-and-a-half-year-old cat named Rainy has accomplished an amazing feat. The cat’s owners, Susan and Benny, live in Salinas, California. A few months ago, they visited Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, where their cat went missing.

The missing cat
Rainy disappeared shortly after they arrived on June 4. Susan said, "My husband is my hero because he spent hours every day searching for the cat in the forest."

The couple tried to lure Rainy back with her favorite food and toys but had no luck. Eventually, they stopped the search and returned to California. Susan mentioned that they hoped Rainy would come back, but a month after she went missing, they adopted her sister. The couple had rescued both cats when they were 11 weeks old.

Sixty-one days after Rainy went missing, they received a notification about a cat that had their cat’s identification number. Rainy was found in Roseville, California, which is 190 miles from Salinas. An animal rescue organization had taken her in.

A woman discovered Rainy and reported that she was in poor condition. The woman handed Rainy over to the organization, which then used her microchip to locate her owners.

Overall, Rainy traveled more than 1,000 miles from Wyoming to Roseville and then back home. The couple said they didn’t believe the cat would return to California, but they are happy she is home.